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Swim the Pac-12

About the event

Swim the Pac-12 is a challenge to motivate swimmers of all levels to move to the pools for fitness. Participants can water walk, aqua-jog, or swim their way through the challenge – the main point is to get in the water and enjoy the benefits of swimming!  You have twelve weeks (January 22 – April 13) to complete any of the routes through the Pac-12.  Distances have been calculated based on general distances from campus to campus.  Participants are responsible for logging their progress in the binders located at each pool.  There are three routes to choose from: Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.

When participants register online by March 1 and track their distances on the sheets provided in each pool, they will receive a prize for each distance they complete.  Participants will get a water bottle for the Beginner Stage, a mesh swim bag for the Intermediate Stage, and a cool UREC beach towel for completing the Advanced Stage.  Advanced stage winners will also be entered into a drawing for a free semester session of Fitness Swimming (value $90)!


University Recreation